
saturday farmer's market

/bark bark bark

aunty belle took me to one of her favorite saturday stops: the winter park farmers market. the puppy above exhibits the same enthusiasm i had with the sites and smells.......

(soft) grrrrrr....awwww isnt your *tiny yappy hairy useless* doggie cute..can i pet you, er, i mean him? howl!

down from jawja! the ultimate ambassadors. peaches, peaches, love dem georgia peaches! "cuz, florda ernges and jawja peaches when they nice and ripe they the best fer eatin"

"finally! the barbeque trailer just pulled up! Mom, you've got cash, right?"

jars of zinnias. seriously homey comfort imagery.

dear God i am hairy. and hot. get me back to my air conditioned condo you dolt. and ditch the pink leash. and get my perrier. NOW! now, i say!

slimy good fun for everyone. it's okra! i feel gumbo and football weather comin....

the jaunty bachelor scams on all the ladies around him. "nice legs ya got there, lady. are those your real breasts? wait! where ya goin?"

"you want change for a thousand dollar bill? hey, wait a minute....."

love is a many splendored thing, cold nose to the butt not withstanding.

"i am so darn cute that i make my person look better! the green sandals and red toenails? there's a limit to my charm, mate!"

enjoying a "drink" ....aunty belle style.

"rescue me! i want to run with the big dogs, and escape my life of leopard skin pouffy beds and diamond collars. help me! seriously, man. don't leave me!"

peruilewaite? is that you? seems like you'd be happier!

fresher than the jaunty bachelor beagle!

the man who fled france because of the taxation! welcome aboard, frenchie.

"they say all women love chocolate....now, which end to mount."

the look back, through exotic orchids. thanks aunty belle!



Anonymous said...

Peaches...okra? Oh man, the food is the only part that makes me want to go back home.

Aunty Belle said...

Ho! Dawg, ya done it--showed off them
new friends ya made..uh huh. Love it!

Iamnot??? What'cha mean? Why WOULDN't ya c'mon "back home"??? (check out Aunty Belle's FRONT Porch fer mah version of the Dawg's visit.)

Enemy of the Republic said...

Lord have mercy! The dog photos were amazing, but the commentary was priceless. You sure know the way into the dog soul. What a great blog.

Bird said...

so i have this picture in my head of the dog on the prowl at the farmer's market, and EVERYBODY wanted you to take their picture.

Little Lamb said...

Nice pictures. You must really like dogs.

..................... said...

great photos..!

sparringK9 said...

/bark bark bark

thanks to all for the visits! in a perfect world i would carry with me always the spirit of life that first pup has!


Mayden' s Voyage said...

Loved these :) Yet another smile for me! I grinned through every pic, now I'm off to see Aunty :)

On My Watch said...

liking the paw prints here. cool.

Infinitesimal said...

last photo is my fave

Aunty Belle said...

Hey Dawg!! C'mon over to the BACK Porch fer some awesome artwork....

Anonymous said...

nice pics

Malinda777 said...

Farmer's market... makes me homesick. So many dogs, so little time :)

Great photos.

boneman said...

That sure was some fine trip y'went on....
and so many other dawgs t'pose fer yer camera shenanigins!

Looks like fun, and can almost smell the foods, but, am quite confused at the logistics.

Are y'all below the Mason Dixon?
I mean, fer yer home.
It seems a bit of settin' with Auntie has brought out the drawl in yer dawg is all. Din't actually note that too much befer.

Catch said...

I have been looking through your posts, very good and very thought provoking. This is a good blog. I thank you for visiting mine today and leaving a comment. Ya'll come back now, heah????

Catch said...

is that your rottie?

X. Dell said...

You had me until the okra.

Malinda777 said...

DAMN you guys make me homesick! You should e-mail me sometime and let me know where you were... I SWEAR some of that looks very familiar.

I say that "DOGGY" in the FIRST picture, he was my favorite. Not sure what he was after, but the look on his face...pure ecstasy!

REAL lemonade, REAL Okra (except the corn meal and oil missing), REAL HOME... nice day :)

Baron Ectar said...

wow I need to head to the Farmers Mkt here in KC more!

Twit said...

Real nice blog.
Is it defunct?

The Phosgene Kid said...

Pups are the best. You need to post more Nothern breed pictures though!!

carmen racovitza said...

pups and legs...so alive.nice.